Thursday, January 1, 2015

When Was Jesus Born?

December 25.  That is the answer most of us would give.  There are zillions of pages on the internet and in the library that detail the merging of pagan and Roman false religions, rituals and practices with the 'christian' church under the  Roman Emperor Constantine.  In short, Constantine picked the date of December 25th sometime around 336 AD.   pope Julius I of the apostate catholic church later decreed that the birth of Jesus would be December 25th .  And so, it remains. Post reformation none the less!  Tradition.  Tradition of pagan origins and rituals.

Does it really matter?

It may, if you want God to be effective in your life.  Jesus wasn't a fan of man-made traditions and plainly tells us that WE can nullify the will of God:
 making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.  Mark 7:13
Did you ever wonder why some prayers aren't answered, or God doesn't seem to be listening, or why the Church isn't growing? 

All big things are made of little things.   If you take care of the little things the big things take care of themselves.  Common sense, modern physics, quantum mechanics and, yes, the Bible evidence this truth.  From invisible particles all things are made.  Without the smallest details nothing exists.
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16
Details and evidence are fundamental and necessary.  And, God sweats every one of them.

Why it is important:

How could you possibly justify to a non-believer or skeptic your faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, Son of God, born to a virgin - by far, the most well known birth in the history of the world - if you don't even know what day it was?

However, we seem to be able to regurgitate the birthday of every pop star that comes around or the stats of our favorite athlete like it is some kind of intellectual badge of honor.  But, what we do when it comes to Jesus is muddle some excuse of it's unimportance and try to change the subject to 'how wonderful He is'.  

The obvious question would then be 'if one of the significant foundational events of your faith isn't really important then what else doesn't matter?'.  Not exactly the basis a mature Christian would try to launch a convincing argument...

So, How Do We Know?

If not December 25th, then when?  How are we supposed to know?  God put a gigantic Rolex above our heads - the sun , moon and the stars.  And, He tells us that's how to know and not be subject to the flawed man-made calendar systems:
 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.  Genesis 1:16
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;  Genesis 1:14 
The Hebrew word for 'seasons' in verse 14 above is 'moed'.  Moed is used 223 times throughout the Bible where the more common translation is used as 'appointed time' or 'meeting'.  He made the heavens to communicate significant signs and events to us so that we would have the tools to interpret and implement His Word.

The birth of Jesus was one of those 'appointed times':
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.  Revelation 12:1
 Revelation 12 tells us precisely the astrological time Jesus was born:  September 11, 03 BC.

Dr. Charles Thurston, MD has spent the last 30+ years discovering, researching and relating the scientific and fundamental truths contained in the Bible to the world and heavens around us.  In the video link  he details his and other's findings as they relate to God's celestial time piece and the birth of Jesus.

I suspect that there aren't many seminaries, 'Bible' colleges, or 'Christian' universities that have robust curriculums in astronomy, astrologics, cosmology, or celestial dynamics. They should follow Dr. Thurston's lead.  What better way to mature and edify the body of Christ than to know God's appointed times - past and future.

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